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The RfG Reference Guide for On-line and In-person Applications

This guide is designed as a practical resource for RfG clinicians and educators to address the following needs:

  1. To provide directions for RfG enactments that were originally written only for in-person (embodied) use. The Guide provides on-line and hybrid form instructions, together with information on which enactments are or are not feasible over on-line platforms.

  2. To supply practitioners with instructions for another 45 enactments added to the RfG repertoire over the past 30 years.

  3. To offer comparisons across enactments via classification by 31 useful categories.

  4. To provide an updated Glossary of RfG terms in-use.

Daniel J. Wiener, Ph.D. and Ariel Axelrod, M.A.

2024; Leverett, MA: Advanced Psychotherapies Press; 239 pages