Theater Improvisation Training for Mental Health Professionals
Presenter: Daniel J. Wiener, Ph.D., Psychologist and Family Therapy Supervisor
1-day Training
Effective therapy, like effective theater, hinges on the alteration of previously experienced reality. Yet in professional training, little emphasis is placed on either experiencing the altered reality we offer others or on the process of creating an altered reality.
Play provides a safe context for exploring altered reality, while playfulness is itself an altered reality to much of our lives.
Learn and laugh throughout this fun-drenched, involving workshop as we guide you through theatrical games and techniques that release creative energy, free imagination and spontaneity, enhance therapeutic use of self, increase awareness of body language and learn action techniques directly applicable to education and psychotherapy!
The principles underlying our form of improvisation include: supporting others to look good, accepting offers, creating a context that encourages risk-taking and adventuring– principles that underlie successful individual and relationship functioning.
Intermittently, the instructor will demonstrate the use of improvisation games in clinical work with individuals, groups and families.